Allow me to get personal for a moment ...
I am a truly blessed woman. My husband and I have been married for five years. Five glorious, beautiful, fantastic and fun-filled years that we've been truly grateful to celebrate together. For almost the same amount of time, we've been trying to start our family. After a year of trying, we were blessed with a pregnancy, only to have it end in a miscarriage six weeks later. Since that time, for one reason or another, we haven't been able to get pregnant again. That was four years and many infertility treatments ago. And we have longed to bring children into our home!
About a year ago, we started working on the adoption process. There is a little boy at an orphanage in South Africa, named Charlie, that we have been trying to bring home to us. But the process is terribly long and painful. We're at a somewhat stagnant point right now and have been for some time. It could take up to a year, or even longer, before we are able to go through with his adoption.
While we're still hoping and praying to bring little Charlie into our family, we made the decision in the meantime, to move forward with our lives, and start the process of adopting an infant from a local agency here in the USA.
We just barely found out that we have been chosen by a birth mother! She is due in late October and is having a little boy! We couldn't be more ecstatic!!
In honor of this, I have created a few little baby boy backgrounds! I am hoping to get some little baby girl ones made soon too. But for now, I'm being selfish and only took the time to finish the boy ones! :)
Sorry for such a long explanation and for getting so personal. But I felt the need to express my emotions in creating these new backgrounds ...
It's a boy!!