About Cristi's Creations

I am a thirtysomething wife and work at home mom of an enthusiastic, wonderful two year old son and a beautiful baby boy. You could also say I'm a bit of a "creative junkie." My biggest creative outlet is that of photographer. However, I am also a blog nut. After months of searching the web, trying to find cute and unique blog backgrounds (and ones that wouldn't erase any of my sidebar elements), I finally figured out how to create them myself. I wanted to "share the love." So, during the Christmas season, I decided to make this little website so that my friends and family could also use the backgrounds that I had made. It's sort of just spread from there. I love doing it! (It's always nice to have another creative outlet and way to give service.) It's totally free - no strings attached. Seriously! If you do decide to use any of them, I'd love for you to comment about what you think! (Commenting helps me know what the general public prefers and which directions to take my future creations.) Thanks! Loves! Cristi :)

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Saturday, May 22, 2010



Sometime today, my blog reached 50,000 hits on the site meter counter!

THANK YOU, all, for being supportive and for enjoying my creations!! :)

To celebrate, I'm going to give away one item from my Etsy shop! If I get 100 comments on this post, I'll do a random drawing and the winner can choose any item that they like!

Sound fun? Ready, set, comment!!

(And truly, thanks again - MAHALO - for all the love!!)


Sam @ The Ellison Family Expansion Plan said...

Hooray! Congrats on the 50k! I think a drawing is a great idea. ;)

eclairre said...

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your blog and posts are very appealing to the eye! Like a breath of fresh air! Thank you!

José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...

Hi Cristi,

Can I write 97 comments ?

Have a nice weekend,

José :-)

Tess Carter said...

congrats!! Great backgrounds... and who DOESN'T love a giveaway?

blueditty said...

Just stopping by add some bulky goodness to the numbers.

Ashley's Allowance said...

Hi! Found on on Etsy! Love the idea for this giveaway! It is fun!! :)

Ashley's Allowance said...

I thought I would help lure some newbies your way for this giveaway, so I tweeted about it on Twitter! Here is the link to my tweet:

The DIY Girls said...

Congratulations! Fantastic idea for the giveaway. :)

Cherry Red Studio said...

i just saw your post and uploaded a template. how cool!! and congrats on the views!!

alpal said...

Your work is simply amazing! Love your blog!

AtlantisAK said...

Congratulations! 50k is definitely not a number to sneeze at!

Hope your success continues :)

Sara said...

Wow, that's awesome. You've got talent!

Jessica Marie said...

Congrats on your hits! I really enjoy your layouts and checking out your photography! You are very talented and amazing!

Unknown said...

Wow! 50,000 hits, that's amazing. Congratulations and goodluck for the next 50,000 More! Yipee...

Studio827 said...

Congrats! Love your work and your blog is so pretty! Great idea with the giveaway!

Lisa Marie said...

Oooo... I already know what I want. I hope you get enough comments so I can WIN. BTW, that 50,000 doesn't count the number of people who use google reader and don't have to even go to your blog to see it (me). So really, you have even more than that!

audreyscountrycrafts said...

Just found your blog through the Etsy forums! LOVE some of your backgrounds!!

Southern Belle said...

Congrats!! :D

Rebecca @ Belle Blog said...

hi there, nice blog. please enter me in your giveaway. Congrats on having so many hits.
New England Candy Co.

reneek said...

that is great!!! Great giveaway too.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on hitting 50K! Great blog; I'm following you!

Kwerkii said...

Congratulations on 50 000! Hopefully you can get the 100 posts as well

VeganCraftastic said...

Yay, congrats!!!

cabbingrough said...

woo! I love your etsy store, esp your hair clips!!!

waterwaif said...

New follower!
And great giveaway!


Stephanie said...

I think I was #50,000! Congrats, glad I found your stuff!

kateflorian said...


What a neat idea! Congratulations.

I love your etsy shop!


Judy Signoriello said...

Congratulation of 50,000, that is amazing!

Tess Carter said...

congrats again!
::bumps up # of comments:: ;)

Silver said...

I love your creations!! I know I have a few friends that use you! :) Oh and I LOVE the owls!! i have that up right now. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway! I hope I win :)


~*Nomie*~ said...

Congrats! I found your blog through the Etsy Forum! (My shop: Nomie.Eco.Ware)

You can find my blog at:

(Pick Me! Pick Me!)

Amanda said...

How exciting... I love, love love your blog.

Paula said...

I'll be old and gray before getting that many! Good for you!

~Bettie said...

WOW 50K! I'm glad I found you today. Thanks for the new background for my blog!

Turtle Bead said...

Congrats! Woohoo I'm in for the giveaway. Who doesn't love a good giveaway? Your shop looks awesome!

umama said...

Congrats!! And count me in!

Amanda said...

Awesome!! Congrats!

Frannie said...

Congrats! What a fun giveaway.

FeltLikeStitchin said...

I'm so happy to have found your blog! Thank you for all the amazing backgrounds - I'm having real trouble deciding which one to use on my blog:)

Expressions By Devin said...

Congrats you Blog background Are so cute!!!

Samantha Marie said...

Wow! That's a lot of visits!! :) Congratulations! :)

reneek said...

nice blog. love giveaways


Michele P. said...

awesome, 50,000 hits is quite the milestone! Wishing you 50,000 more :) hope you enjoyed your weekend!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Percy2626 said...

Congratulations! I use your backgrounds for my blog all the time. Tried going to your Etsy site again today, it says you are closed at the moment. Hope you reopen soon! :D Good luck with everything.

AtlantisAK said...

I absolutely love giveaways...and I think I said this before, but Congrats again on the 50k!

Kate said...

exciting! i'm happy for you. I love your hairclips!!

Julie said...

I will be your 51 st comment :)


Shonda said...

I love Etsy! shondaet@gmail.com

Unknown said...

<3 this giveaway! Love that it's just one comment about anything, instead of 500 comments about what you did to promote the blog lol.

Also, I'm a new follower!


I♥thesecrazykids said...

Hello! I'm a new follower. Congrats on 50k!

Kady L. said...

Yay! Congrats!!


Unknown said...

CONGRATS!!! and WOW!!! I LOVE!!! your photos the 8x10 fine art photography print Reaching Yellow Tulips is AWESOME!!!

lisanne said...


gr8kidsgr8fam at yahoo dot com

Jodi said...

Wow!! Big congrats on 50,000 hits! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Jill said...

love your free designs!


Andi said...

I love the backgrounds and I love your Etsy shop. I love the hair clips too, especially the FRANCESCA hair clip. Great stuff on there. I added you to my favorites too!

cochina1414 at yahoo dot com

Alice said...

Congrats! I love your bracelets.

Claude said...

Congrats to you, that is awesome!
You are getting closer to 100 comets here, I think I'm #63.
I must tell you, I am in love with your hair clip!

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca

Thanks for the chance to win!

Daer0n said...

That sounds like a great giveaway :)

Nury77 at live dot ca

Shonda said...

I'm making another comment today! shondaet@gmail.com

Kimberly said...

Hooray for Cristi! I love you!

Victoria said...

Wow, congrats!!

Alan and Kiersten said...

wow that's awesome you have had so many hits! i love your backgrounds and only use them for mine! excited for your giveaway! love you!

flairshare said...

Congrats on the milestone - 50k!
i visited your etsy shop and love your photography - i really like the 4x6 fine art strings photography print.


Are we limited to one comment per person?


Pain SUX said...

Wow...I heard that you had reached 50,000 followers...that is great. So I figured there must be a good reason you have so many followers....and of course I followed them by following you. I don't think I will be disappointed. Looks like a great blog.


Pain SUX said...

Trying to help you promote your site even more...(on facebook)..I posted....

Stephanie Christmann.... Cristi's Creations has recently hit over 50,000 followers on her blog. In honor of this occasion she if giving one lucky person who comments on her post any one thing in the store that they want, when she gets 100 comments. Please check it out and leave a comment.


Unknown said...

Congrats!! Amy from livelaughloveourway.com

feychile113 said...

This sounds like a great giveaway!

Raylynn said...

I sure do LOVE YOU, Cristi! I only use your backgrounds on my blog.

Kristen said...

I like the Brooke bracelet!

couponboss at gmail dot com

LAMusing said...

Whoo HOO! Congrats on 50K and here's to many more. And thanks for the giveaway!


Being Tazim said...

what a lovely idea!

FineArtPainting said...


tip: we have a GORGEOUS $50 silver custom jewelry gift certificate to give away this week (random draw, though)
So, stop by FCG and pick a $50 jewel and have it custom-made with some inspirational words like, 'i did it'.
As well, later today we'll be opening a Linky Party, and I am inviting you to add a link back to your site.

So that's 2 presents on 1 day.
Once again. Congrads.

I thought to add comment #77 for you so you'll reach your 100 soon.


Katy said...

How fantastic! :) I love the pictures you have on your etsy site! Here's another comment...getting close to 100! :)

thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

Yours Truly said...

SOunds like fun!

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Past2Present said...

YEAH!!!Congratulations on hitting 50,000! Great giveaway!

kelli said...

wow! congrats on your bloggy success! those backgrounds are really cute. how nice of you to share with everyone.
your shop is adorable (i'm hearting for workday browsing :P).


Crystal said...

Wow! Great job! I am new to blogging and a friend (Polluted Pixie) recommended you for cute backgrounds while I get used to all of this! Thanks for sharing!

Crystal *Insert Name Here*

Lissy said...

Congrats on hitting 50k!!

Unknown said...

great contest!

Lauren said...

Congratulations! Your creations are great!

Budenbenders said...

Congrats!!! good luck!

Anonymous said...

wow that's a lot of visitors!

getoverit2090 @ hotmai . com

Amber. said...

Hi!! Found you in the etsy forums! Nice to 'meet' you!!! I'd love a chance to win :) -Amber cottoncupcake@gmail.com

PS - I'm also having a giveaway. If you are interested, up for grabs is a personalized apron & a $25 gift certificate to my shop: http://www.cottoncupcakegallery.blogspot.com

Anne said...

cute etsy! definatly worth commenting :)
annemolino at hotmail dot com

Deanna said...

super cute hair clips.
and I LOVE San Fran too!

Unknown said...


t said...

You're very talented, my friend! The backgrounds are fun. Love ya

BBB said...

Hoping to make it before post 100! :)

Jenn said...

I'm comment #96! Getting close!

babyblueakane said...

Congrats Cristi!!! ;)

Jenn Duncan said...

How fun! Love your site and congrats on the 50,000 hits...that's awesome!

Desiree said...

Well hello there friend! Let me add my comment. Love your stuff!

Jana's Family said...

Your blog is Great!!! Have a great day!

Megan Mitchell said...

You are amazing Cristi! Congrats, I think this is now 100 comments!

Anonymous said...

What a fun way to celebrate! I want everything on your etsy :-)

Christal said...

ohh I want to be 100 hundred but I think I missed it!! you are awesome!!

Christy said...

Congrats on 50,000! Great giveaway too!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 50,000

Bobbi Ann said...

Him Wow, Congrats on the 50k! Awesome Giveaway...thank you so much for this chance! I hope that you have a awesome rest of your day!

LadieJaye and Elegance Boutique said...

Way to go!

The Prickly Pinecone said...

Wow , 50000 is amazing! Thanks for the fab giveaway.


Pitcherfam4 said...

Hey Christi- Congrats on reaching that big 50k. I myself am a HUGE photographer (not professional) as well as a stay at home mom so I bet you can figure out who I take the most pics of. My 2 babies are so photogenic, thankfully. We live just over 6000 miles from my family so a blog is the greatest way for me to share what we are all up to over here. I am really enjoying your backgrounds, as I am always changing them. They set the tone for my blog. Congrats again. and keep up the good work.

Beach Hendersons said...

I'm excited. I've never won a giveaway...but maybe just maybe it will be one of your amazing creative things.